“Happy New Year everyone 2017 has been another busy year
for us and as everyone’s lives seem fuller with schedules and
family, spare time is a hot commodity. We has 5 new faces join
our BoD’s this past year, which was great to see some new
faces and with new faces new ideas. With our membership at
over 820 again this year our small group of BoD’s are still a
small percentage making the decisions for the entire
Two of our members are working on a new website for us,
The website https://sites.google.com/site/dirthillswildlife
is still running but is not getting up dated unless we have a
major announcement, like the closing of the range for farming
operations. Don’t forget you can also follow us on Face book.
Our face book page gets updated the quickest.
The provinces White tail deer population looked very healthy
and numbers were good this past year, and with the mild winter
the spring fawning should be high. There are a good number of
does with twins and some with triplets again this past year,
mature bucks numbers are rising slowly. With the short rifle
season the bucks are still getting pressured had in the southern
Mule deer numbers are still on the rise, there has been some
pretty big bucks taken across the province again this past
hunting season with a 277 Non Typical being the largest of the
year we have recorded into the Henry Kelsey Records for the
2017 hunting season
Moose numbers took a huge hit again this year in some zones
with the high number of tags issued again. 2016 either sex
moose harvest for zone 18 was 80% while antlerless was 77%
It will be interesting to see the harvest success numbers once
the surveys get calculated for 2017 as the moose numbers in
18 was very low and will be interesting to see how everyone
that was drawn in 18 made out. Please make sure you fill out
your harvest surveys and PLEASE be honest. It is the only
system they use to determine quotas each year. With the
government cut backs the aerial surveys don’t get done
anymore. You can Google the results for all zones and species
on the Governments website.
There was an increase of antelope draw tags in some zones
again this past fall (2017), and I expect there will be more tags
available next year.
Bear population is in good shape maybe to good and the wolf
population is still on the rise. SERM did issue more wolf tags
again in 2017. I haven’t heard the outcome yet, but I would bet
very few were harvested outside the fur block again.
Elk numbers are still down across the province, although there
are some bigger herds in some areas with some very large bull
elk being harvested again this year. Last year both the Typical
and Non typical elk provincial records were broken and this
year the 2 and 3 place NT elk provincial overall will be replaced
As for upland game birds in the south, numbers are about the
same this year than last except for the pheasants. Some areas
are showing good sign better than others. Dirt Hills didn’t
release any pheasants again last year; we are having a tough
time spending big dollars on pheasants to feed coyotes and
birds of prey. Our club is looking at other options though. Our
plans to raise chicks last summer fell through; discussions are
still on the table.
The Provinces Wild Turkey management program is coming
along nicely, with plans of relocating birds from the south east
to other areas of the province soon.
Geese and duck numbers are still high and hunting
opportunities are excellent.
The Environment Office is looking at upgrading the long over-
due Big game Draw system next year. They will be releasing the new plan at convention in February. Some possible
changes that they are looking at are a legacy pool for anyone
that has been in the Super A pool for 10 plus years. These
applicants will be drawn first but those that fill their 6 zone choices will still have a better chance that those that only select
1 zone and of course tag availability is also a factor. A D pool
may also be added, which all new applicants will possibly start
in instead of the A pool except the youth 16 and under new
applicants will still start in the A pool . So a new adult applicant
will wait a minimum of 5 years to be eligible for a tag instead of
only 1 year. And you may be required to pay the 6.00 fee
yearly to advance, where before once drawn you advanced
automatically till you got back to the A pool.
Fishing here at the Avonlea Reservoir has been steady this
past year. With the mild winter just before Christmas there was
open water on our Reservoir, with this cold spell the water is
frozen over but you should be careful while driving on the ice.
Invasive Species such as Zebra Mussels are becoming a
severe problem here in Canada and are in waters as close as
Manitoba and BC, this is a very big concern for all water users,
not just fishermen, jet ski users, boaters, all water craft should
be checked regularly if you are traveling from province to
province. Once Zebra mussels are in a water system they
can’t be controlled. The government now has 6 portable wash
stations available for check stops this summer, but you can all
help by checking yourself. There is a complete info package
on the provinces website at www.saskatchewan.ca
SWF is working hard with our government for better, and
tougher controls methods to keep our water bodies in
Saskatchewan safe.
There has been some new evidence released regarding CWD,
All the info is on the government’s CWD website, they
recommend that all deer, moose, and elk be tested prior to
consuming the meat. There is just too much detail to discuss
here. Please take some time and read up on it yourself. As of
Jan 4 2018 there have been 63 confirmed cases of CWD, 50
Mule deer, 12 White Tail and 1 elk. I sent my White tail away
this year and it came back negative. The test is free.
Our Gun range has been recertified for another 5 years. We
added 2 semi loads of coarse gravel to the trail, Darren and
Jon from PGT have been doing a great job looking after the
backstops, We will be planting trees at the north end of the
range and along the sides next spring to try to cut the noise
down. The shooting range is open year around except for when
farming operations are under way the range will be closed at a
moment’s notice. The land owners have been very good at
giving me notice prior to working on the land, but there will be
times that it will be last minute and anyone at the range will
have to be ask to leave. So before driving out, make sure you
check our web site and/or Face book for the updates. We try
our best to keep on top of the closures. PLEASE, STAY ON
winter the road to the range has stayed open. If snow does fall
in large amounts we will do our best to keep the road to the
range open. Again watch the website/Facebook for info on
road conditions. If it is blocked then please walk in. All range
users must be in possession of a valid DHWF membership
and follow the range rules set out for everyone’s safety. A
copy of the range rules are available on the website and are
posted at the range. Darren and Jon from Prairie Gun Traders
have been doing an excellent job of keeping the back stops
fixed up. For some reasons unknown, range users still find a
need to shoot out the uprights. These cannot be replaced
when the ground is frozen. Please refrain from shooting
the back stop posts at all times. There are only a small
handful of us that look after the range, It is very important that
every user helps out cleaning up after them self. There is a
large garbage container out there so there should never be an
excuse the garbage was full.
2017 in review
The Scholarship Raffle didn’t do as well last year, we did
manage to clear just enough to cover expenses. We will see
how it goes in 2018; we may have to look at other options. If
every member bought 1 ticket, we would be almost sold out.
Winners of the 2017 draw were Chris Hale of Rouleau and
Mike Saip of Lang
– Two donations were made to the Provincial Habitat Trust fund
– Donated to community calendars in Milestone, Rouleau,
Briercrest and Avonlea
– Donated to the Sask Breeding Bird Atlas
– 2 directors attended SWF Convention in February
– Donated to the Cattlemen’s Association Fire Relief fund which
was matched by the SWF after the devastating fires in the
south east.
– Unfortunately the Fish Fry/ Auction in April along with the club
awards had to be cancelled. It is booked for April 14/18
– Gave 3 of 4 – $500.00 scholarships to graduating students,
going onto post secondary education. Congratulations to Jacob
Ulrich of Milestone, Josey Rustad of Avonlea, and Jade
Copeland of Rouleau. There were no applications from
– Boat dock removed for winter just before the reservoir froze
– Big Buck Night Dec 9/17, Attendance was up from last year
with about 90 people taking part in the evening. Largest White-
tail was 170 6/8, Congrats to George Paranuik of Avonlea.
Hides for Habitat—this program is set up for all hunters to
donate their deer elk, moose and beef hides to SWF. The
money goes directly to maintaining already owned lands and
purchasing of more wildlife lands all around Saskatchewan,
and our club gets the credits. The only bin we have now is
here at Avonlea. It is out for a short period of time because of
weather conditions (it must be below freezing). The hides can
also be dropped off at the SWF main office in Moose Jaw, 9
Lancaster Rd. But again the bin is out for a short time only. All
heads and feet must be removed. Hide tag must be on and
should be visible. Don’t forget to write your name down on
the paper so we can enter your name into the hide draws at
Convention. Please don’t throw them over the coulee banks.
-Sheds for Habitat is a new fund-raising program for habitat. If
you have any unwanted sheds please consider donating them
to SWF habitat fund. 2017 sales netted SWF $34,000.00. The
sheds can be dropped off at my place. Any antlers still on the
skull please cut off just below the burrs at the base. To date
DHWF has donated just over $15,000.00 to Habitat Trust and
just over $12,000.00 to other SWF programs, and many other
donations to local programs in our communities.
-Tickets available again for the Dirt Hills Scholarship Raffle.
This year’s prizes are 1st
– Tikka T3 Lite Stainless 223 Rem or
$ 1000.00 cash. 2Nd
– Winchester SXP 12 gauge Max 5 Camo
shot gun or $400.00 cash, and 3rd
– Ruger 10/22 Wooden
stock Carbine or $250.00 cash. Tickets are. $10.00 each or 3
for $20.00. Only 1200 tickets available, so your chances are
pretty good. Draw will be made on April 14th at the Fish Fry.
Tickets are available with the membership mail in form or any
of the Directors and at Prairie Gun Traders in Avonlea.
– The 89th Annual SWF Convention will be in Prince Albert
Feb.8-10/18. We have 2 Directors attending.
– Fish Fry / Awards and Auction will be held April 14th here in
Avonlea at the new Community Complex; tickets will be
available early March,
– The youth camp is being held again this summer at SWF new
youth camp (Hannin Creek Camp) Candle Lake. This is a 7
day outdoors camp with too many outdoor activities to
numerous to mention here. Any young male or female ages
12-15 can give me a call or check it out on Saskatchewan
Wildlife Federation’s web site. www.swf.sk.ca for dates and
application, Dirt Hills Wildlife will sponsor 2 outdoor
enthusiastic youth each year. You must be members of our
club prior to applying. This camp fills up fast so get your
application in early.
– Big Buck Night Registrations will be available in Sept. and Big
buck Supper/measuring is Dec.8, 2018. Remember you must
register before you begin hunting White tail, to be eligible for
the big prizes.
– To keep in conjunction with SWF there was a change a few
years ago with the memberships. In order to enter your fish,
birds and big game into the club and provincial awards, you
must have your membership purchased by the season opener
for that year. So anyone fishing must have theirs bought by the
start of fishing season in May and bird and big game hunters
by Aug 31. Any one hunting the August elk season must
purchase theirs before the opening day.
Your 2017 DHWF membership expired December 31st. 2017
membership total was just over 820 last year. Regular Single
Membership cost is $35.00, Add a spouse or one child 18 or under for an extra $10.00 ($45.00) The Family Membership
cost (includes a family of three or more) is $50.00. Any child
18 years and younger still living at home fall under the
family plan. Once they turn 19 they must have their own
regular membership. If you have a nephew, niece or just a
young person wanting to be a member and you are helping
getting them into the hunting/shooting sport there is a Special
youth membership for $10.00. Their mailing address must be
included with yours as they do not go under you. The benefits
are the same as a regular membership excluding the
magazine. Please include the year of birth (YOB) each
member of your family was born. This helps SWF in
recognizing between our youth, and senior members and all
those between. New memberships are available from any Dirt
Hills directors, Prairie Gun Traders in Avonlea or the attached
membership form may be returned in the mail along with your
cheque made payable to the DIRT HILLS WILDLIFE
SASKATCHEWAN SOH OC0. Upon payment your
membership stubs will be sent to you via Canada Post.
Please include your email address also. Online renewal for the
branches through SWF head office is still in the works, there is
still some hick ups to iron out. Till then please use the return
With your membership you have complete use of the gun
range, 6 issues of the Outdoor Canada Magazine, full benefit
coverage through SWF, (check it out on line) full voting rights
at monthly meetings, annual photo contest, entering your fish ,
birds and big game in the club’s annual awards, youth, male
and female and adult male and female categories,
Please make sure and include your email address. It helps
lower the cost of mailing out this yearly letter and lets us put
the savings into other projects. For those that do not have
access to an email we will continue to mail out yours.
I would like to thank our members for helping out when they
If you require information on the projects that the club
supports, feel free to contact any of the following:
Club awards, and Antler scoring – Warren Howse
Membership – Darren Treble, Warren Howse and Alice Howse
Fish/Bird weigh-ins – Warren Howse, Perry Esmond
Bryan Sherman, Norman Howse
Fisheries – Alex Getzlaf
Pheasant Program – Vacant
Gun range – Darren Treble, Jon Airey, Val Krumenacker
Hides for Habitat – Art Daniel, Scott Ridgway
Big Buck Night – Darren Treble, Norman Howse, Warren
Howse, Bryan Sherman
Banquet and Awards Night – Club Executive and Directors
Members Memorial – Jim Scheller
Dirt Hills Memorial Scholarship – Darren Treble & Warren
DHWF club meetings are usually held every third Monday of
the month at 7:30pm, Masonic Lodge in Avonlea. Except in
July and August. If the meeting night falls on a Stat Holiday the
meeting is rescheduled the following Thursday of the same
week. If you are planning on driving in, give me a call or text
prior to coming. On the odd occasion the meeting is cancelled
at the last moment and this would save you a trip.
Contacts are:
Warren Howse 868-7403 Darren Treble 868-2037
Norman Howse 690-2686 Buck Calfas 681-9442
Jon Arie 690-5828 Val Krumenacker 530-7835
Bryan Sherman 639-440-7775 Art Daniel 868-7766
Jim Sheller 475-2640 Scott Ridgway 868-7442
Alex Getzlaf 868-7779 Alice Howse 868-4706
Tim Geni 536-5552 Eugene Hval 732-4508
John Campbell 861-9968 Joe Topuschak 529-5610
On behalf of the board and myself we would like to thank
everyone for their continuing support over the years.
Warren Howse
President, Dirt Hills Wildlife Federation – 306-868-7403, warren.howse@sasktel.net”